Tuesday, October 4, 2022

ANN SOFI (NILSSON) – När kommer dagen (Oktober, 1977)

Swedish vocals
International relevance: *

Ann Sofi Nilsson has an appealing voice in the region of Maria Hörnelius, and hadn't it been for the ever so suffocating politics, this would probably had been an OK album.”När kommer dagen” ends with the millionth recording of Brecht/Eisler's ”Einheitsfrontlied” (as "Enhetsfrontsång") which says just about everything you need to know about the album. If you for some reason still need more information, it's released on Oktober, the very same label that gave us Fria Proteatern, Arbetets Söner & Döttrar and – for that they will forever burn in the most incinerating parts of hell – Bruksteatern. If you consider Mao's Little Red Book pornographically arousing, then ”När kommer dagen” will be Viagra to you.

All these albums with totalitarian, in-denial brainwashing politics are becoming more and more problematic and repulsive the more I hear, especially in times when totalitarian, in-denial brainwashing politics are the order of the day all around the world. Left or right doesn't matter because as I've said before, politics aren't linear but circular. At one point they meet, and it's digusting.

The most interesting thing about "När kommer dagen" is probably that Stefan "Stoffe" Sundlöf plays drums on the album. Sundlöf was the drummer of Sven Zetterberg's Telge Blues (that later developed into the highly successful Chicago Express). The album is produced by Gunnar Rosengren which was the bass player of Telge Blues.

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