Saturday, September 1, 2018

SAM ELLISON – Sam Ellison (Metronome, 1971)

English vocals, Swedish vocals
International relevance: **

Sam Ellison (originally Elison) was in Jason's Fleece along with Hawkey Franzén and Björn J:son Lindh, and recorded his lone solo album with Lindh, Göran Lagerberg and Jan Bandel from the Fleece project. Fans of Jason's Fleece will feel at home here. Some heavy organ and guitar moves but Ellison's songs have a mellow American singer/songwriter foundation with a few Traffic shadings added. Ellison was a decent singer, but with a dry and rather thin voice he doesn't quite manage to follow through his occasional attempts at a soulful style. Perhaps the album would have been better with a more powerful singer.

After the album, Ellison turned to session work in the early 70's before disappearing from the record scene altogether after helping out with the Tillsammans album in 1973. He died in 2013.

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