Tuesday, June 14, 2022

KATAS DÖTTRAR – Kvinnor sjung ut! Två sidor av Katas Döttrar (A Disc, 1979)

Swedish vocals
International relevance: *

Another feminist album to add to the previous lot of ”Jösses flickor”, ”Tjejclown”, ”Sånger om kvinnor” and the rest. Meaning: lyrics with plenty of message; clumsy lyrical metres negligent of melody; idiotic pastiches; annoying vocals, and too many people singing at once, religious style. (Religion and politics often do the same thing to people's heads anyway, so why not...). Soundwise it's a bit slicker than the standard political/feminist outpourings, a bit more towards ”Sessornas sånger”. Some songs are OK-ish, such as the title track and the semi-folk rock of ”Visa i 70-tal”, but as with most albums in this ilk, there's a cultish vibe running through it that quickly becomes unbearable unless you're part of the cult. Short songs, mostly around 1 to 2 minutes in length but if that sounds hopeful to you, remember there are 19 of them...

Side one
Side two

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