Ulf Bejerstrand's original band Kung
Tung was better than his solo albums but that doesn't say much. Then
again, he was only the bass player – main songwriter and singer was
Thomas Svensson (later Stålberg) and that probably saved Kung Tung
from the worst Bejerstrand facepalm embarassments. Still they were a
pretty crappy band, aiming at an Ensamma Hjärtan kind of satire but
ending up with more attitude than substance where Ensamma Hjärtan
had both.

Kung Tung på ”Redit”! (Ljudcenter
Recordings, 1977)
Swedish vocals
International relevance: **
”På 'Redit'!” was recorded live with inferior sonics
to match the equally insufficient quality of their punky blues rock
stumblings through original material and translated covers by Chuck
Berry, Bob Dylan and Eddie Cochran. Plus one Gudibrallan cover.
Excessively boring.
Det är ett kort liv – det är våra
liv! (MNW, 1978)
Swedish vocals
Swedish vocals
International relevance: **
After their self-released debut, Kung
Tung hooked up a deal with MNW, releasing ”Det är ett kort liv –
det är våra liv!” in 1978. It obviously helped them direct their
energy into something a little more consistent. But they're still as
dull as watching an old bicycle rust. Peter Bryngelsson's guitar
playing is good though but one wonders why he hung around with
these nincompoops when he already had his own outfit, the initially
magnificent Ragnarök.
Demos och live 1974-1987 (MC, Plätt,
Swedish vocals
International relevance: **
A self-released cassette compilation of
previously unreleased archival recordings, including some made right at the beginning
of Kung Tung's career. The early tracks are in a sound quality's just below basement level. The music's
as lousy as usual. For Kung Tung completists only (if there are any).
2001 career overview ”Imperfekt” has a
couple of non-album tracks including Kung Tung's only really good recording,
their cover of Thomas Tidholm's ”Två blodröda segel”
(originally on Hot Boys' ”Varma smörgåsar”).
Kung Tung disbanded in 1980, but had a
continuation of sorts in Thomas Svensson/Stålberg formed Prins Lätt
in the late 80's. Kung Tung reunited in 2013 and released a comeback
album in 2014, ”Längre bort på livets väg”.
From Det är ett kort liv, det är våra liv
From Det är ett kort liv, det är våra liv
På "Redit"! and Demos och live 1974-1987 no links found
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