Friday, August 24, 2018

WASA EXPRESS – On with the Action (Sonet, 1978) / Till attack (Sonet, 1978) / Schack matt (Sonet, 1979)

On With The Action (Sonet, 1978)
English vocals
International relevance: *

Their debut album is absolutely terrible but if you thought it couldn't get any worse, think again. ”On with the Action” is a set of nine tracks, each one worse than the previous. They were so competent players they obviously felt the need to dumb themselves down to a 'funny' level where Jim Carrey looks like the overlord of comedy. Clown hard rock meets clown disco meets clown surf punk and the result is an insult to all clowns around the world (and I'm usually not the one to defend clowns).

Till attack (Sonet, 1978)
English vocals, Swedish vocals
International relevance: *

One side live, one side studio, one full album of crap. Charter travel fusion, trailer park boogie and office party disco. No redeeming qualities.

Schack matt (Sonet, 1979)
Swedish vocals, English vocals
International relevance: *

If Wasa Express ever had anything even remotely reminiscent of something not entirely unlike a strictly hypothetical concept of qualities, that was definitely long, long gone by the time of ”Schack matt”. Everything I said of the two previous albums goes for this one as well, only to a higher degree. The version of The Balloon Farm's garage classic ”Question of Temperature” is the worst ever. The only interesting thing here is that the first part of their ”Midnight to Six Man” cover sounds like ”Nevermind” Nirvana more than a decade earlier.

On With The Action full album playlist
Till attack full album playlist
Schack matt full album playlist

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